July 18, 2017

Digital Services

The following options below provide a general basis of what we offer.  You pay a flat fee once per website. There are no monthly fees unless you choose our monthly maintenance fee detailed below.

Why You Need a Professionally Designed Website

When you choose our website design package, you’ll be designed a professional website catered to your business. With over 80% of the U.S. population having access to the internet, more users now are browsing, viewing and buying online more than ever before. Chances are, your latest customers are looking for your website.

Website Design Options:

  • Landing Page: A landing page is a 1-page website that is perfect for a short, simple and direct message to your customers. Your landing page will be created by our professionals with the information you provide.</li>
  • Basic: This option will give your website 5-6 professionally designed pages. These pages could include a home page, contact page, “About Us” page, Events/Calendar page, or others based on your needs.
  • Advanced: This is the same as our Basic option but provides your website with 7-10 pages of additional content.
  • Custom: This can include a website with more than 10 pages and completely customizable to your needs.
  • Monthly Maintenance Fee: Includes Monthly Site Backups, Website Security, WordPress and Plug-in Updates, Site Monitoring and minor updates/changes.

Note that all options are customizable dependent on your exact needs.

As of 2017, 81% or 258 million U.S. Citizens have Social Media Network accounts which are split between Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram. With as many as 1.3 billion worldwide daily user logins, Facebook has taken the world by storm. In today’s age, having your business connected to these large networks is absolutely imperative. Don’t lose business you could otherwise easily acquire with a social media page!

Some of the Benefits of Social Media Include:

  • Increases business exposure.
  • Assists in generating leads.
  • Builds brand loyalty.
  • Increase website traffic.

The Social Media Packages We Offer are Professionally Designed and are as Followed:

  • Management: We manage one business page which includes 3-5 curated posts per week.
  • Advertising: Address marketing objectives such as increasing website clicks, page audience, video views, leads and more. (This option does not include social media pages. Advertisement only).
  • Blog Post: A 500-700 word WordPress blog with unique content, social bookmarked on top sites to generate traffic.
  • Blog Site: A responsive WordPress template to host your blog posts. Choose a URL (Website name), customized logos and color. Includes social media and commenting.